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24Hour Callout

CALL NOW: 1-800-123-456

Available 24/7

CALL NOW: (647) 686-1786

Our History

Established on July 1, 2018 which is also Canada Day. Our team provides quality home remodelling, additions, and renovations from concept to completion. As a local licensed and insured general contracting company, our crew prides themselves on ensuring your home remodelling project is completed on budget and on time. As a full-service home renovation contractor, our team of skilled trades and designers will work closely with you to determine what your needs are and provide the expertise and solutions required to suit your lifestyle. We will ensure that everything from the basics, to the finishing touches are completed with care. You can be confident that with Ali Baba Constructions, your home is in good hands.

Why Choose Us?

Exceptional Service

We build relationships with our clients. We take inspiration from your needs and tastes; we care personally about every project and we strive to make every renovation as an enjoyable experience as possible. It’s this attitude that brings our loyal customers back to us time and again.

Call Us Today

We are here for all of your renovation needs!

CALL NOW: ‭(647) 686-1786